Dover United Church of Christ
-An Open and Affirming Congregation-
Women's Guild News
January 2016
The guild met on January 5 for a planning/goal setting 22 members were in attendance. Only minor changes were made to our mission statement which now reads:
The guild of Dover UCC works together with anyone who wishes to support and fulfill the Mission of our Church. In so doing we seek to reach out to the wider community, grow and support one another in our faith development. During 2016 we plan to work toward realizing our mission by:
Focusing our meetings on a study of women of the Bible and of how those women may have reached out to others in their community
Increasing outreach through a ministry of food with regularly scheduled free breakfasts for the community, meals for shut-ins and other opportunities as they become evident.
Reaching out to non-active members.
During our regular monthly meetings, we will complete our study of the "lesser known" women of the Bible and consider what their lives and stories may mean to us today. Included in the study this year will be Hagar, Anna, Tamar, Vashti, Esther, Deborah, Jael, and Miriam. Pastor Eva O'Diam has offered to be a resource to identify an outreach group whose mission reflects the story of the Biblical woman presented. Those people responsible should contact her for this information. Finally, if monthly program leaders need more information about a particular woman the web site is a rich resource.
The consensus among those present was that the food ministry is an important one to continue to grow and to develop. So again this year we plan to offer free community pancake breakfasts on a regular basis. At these events, we will have a prayer request basket available for our guests to use if they wish as well as a note where guests may request a visit from the Pastor. There was also robust discussion about how we might expand the food ministry and the hope is that those interested adn able to help with this important initiative will step forward to help organize and lead it.
We plan to continue and expand our outreach to inactive members. We will resume writing notes to members who have become inactive or who may simply need to know that their church family has not forgotten them. Again, someone needs to assume the responsibility of organizing and promoting this goal for it to be successful.
While volunteers stepped forward for nearly all of the remaining tasks to be done, there are still opportunities to help the guild. In addition to those opportunities noted above, ther is still a need for someone to provide the program and to oversee the kitchen for the Christmas party.
If you were unable to attend the meeting in January we hope that you will be able to join us for the February meeting which will be led by Linda Thompson.
--Nancy Brown and Mary Duttera